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어떻게 정리하면 보기 좋을가 정리하기 용이하고 정리하고 싶은 마음이 들도록 나만의 정리 방법을 만들어 보자. 그동안 코넬 노트를 따라했지만, 유용하다는 것을 머리로는 알겠지만 지속적으로 사용하지는 못했다. 그리고 워드나 컴퓨터 작업으로 할 때 표를 그리는 것도 용이 하지 않았다. 그래도 한 번 이 틀을 중심으로 나만의 방법으로 변경을 해보도록 해야지. Cornell Notes system #코넬 필기 #노트필기방법 코넬 대학교 교육학 교수 Walter Pauk가 고안한 노트 필기법. 학생들의 학습 효과를 높이기 위해 개발되었다. 제목 영역, 필기 영역, 단서 영역, 요약 영역으로 구분 된다. 제목 영역에는 강의 주제와 일자를 적는다. 필기 영역에는 강의를 들으면서 중요하다고 판단되는 정보와 아이디어를 가능한 많이 읽기 쉽게 적는다... 2017. 6. 27.
오늘은 생명공학을 전공하는 친구에게 어떤 공부를 하는지 어떤 방향으로 나아가고 있는지에 대해 간략하게 들었습니다. 키워드는 세포, 유전자, 게놈 프로젝트, 미생물 등이었는데 제 기억에 남은 키워드는 장이었습니다. 그 이유는 장이 제2의 뇌라는 이야기를 들었기 때문입니다. 집에 돌아와 제2의 뇌 라는 검색어로 구글링을 하니 여러 자료가 있었습니다. 그 중 유용한 몇 개의 사이트를 추려보았습니다. http://www.ohmynews.com/NWS_Web/View/at_pg.aspx?CNTN_CD=A0002054121http://www.techholic.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=24168https://www.jw.org/ko/publications/magazines/%EA%.. 2017. 5. 31.
Financial trust * This is a modification of the report I submit to my university class Talking about monetary matters is careful. Talking about and discussing other issues does not yield any real damage, even if you make a concession. However, it seems clear that opportunity costs are incurred in money matters. When I read this book, I was wondering how to manage money when it becomes a couple. According to a s.. 2017. 5. 31.
Recent condition Quetions and my thoughts about it1. how to study2. What are you doing now3. how to get knowledge4. Is your relationship with your girlfriend good?5. Why am I sensitive recently? 1. STUDYI realized that I cannot read books carefully and that I cannot organize it in my head. I think interest is linked to cocentration, and comprehension is linked to ability to organize. Now that I am clear what I a.. 2017. 5. 18.
Answer the expected questions in the interwview 1. Tell me about yourself Yes, I am Sam who is majoring control engineering. Let me talk briefly about myself.First, I like exercise and I am physically healthy. I regularly work out squash, scuba, soccer, swimming and so on.Secondly, I enjoy reading beacause I am interested in various things. There are club experience called a Giant's library, Myochack. Finally, I like to acquire new knowledge .. 2017. 5. 10.
Resume Practice OBJECTIVEIt was written to support Engineer at GreenEye. I am seeking an entry-level position in embedded systems, software development, or other position where I can apply my knowledge of electronic and programming. EDUCATIONUniversity, Bachelor of Electronic control & Mechanical engineeringExpected Graduation Data : February 2018, GPA: Overall: 3.7/4.5 PART TIME JOB EXPERIENCE 1. Mathematics &.. 2017. 5. 10.
Cover Letter Practice Dear Human Resource manager I would like to request your consideration for the position of GreenEye, which I saw advertised. I was particularly excited to hang out in your park, as this is one of what I consider to be the most addictive place. I recently visited the company, and it was enough to catch my heart. Among the many attractions and equipment, the most impressive instrument was the one .. 2017. 5. 10.
Face recognition technology basic contents summary I looked for biometric security technology for about an hour. It is easy to organize. I used Google in an hour t o find good data. The technology I want to preoccupy is face recognition. It is necessary to understand what technology is being used by companies listed in some of the following references. That's because I know the latest techonolgy and quickly catch up and I feel the need to hit th.. 2017. 4. 12.
What I want to do I have always admired a great person, a great place. And I prepared and carried out resemblance or going to the place. Today, I write to make a wonderful work. The one who I think is really cool these days is a great programmer. So, at least three months from now, I will wirte about programming everyday. Becuase I use it to sort out my mind in the process of organizing to write to the public. I .. 2017. 4. 12.
My thoughts about relationship I have considered human relationships, but I have found a limit to what I know from my head, so I looked up the data. First of all the categories of human relationships that I have considered include all people, including friends, family, lovers, parents, family members, and acquaintances. Let's summarize the thoughts that come to mind about about each definition and its relationship. A friend I.. 2017. 3. 19.