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What I want to do

by OKOK 2017. 4. 12.

I have always admired a great person, a great place. And I prepared and carried out resemblance or going to the place. Today, I write to make a wonderful work. The one who I  think is really cool these days is a great programmer. So, at least three months from now, I will wirte about programming everyday. Becuase I use it to sort out my mind in the process of organizing to write to the public. 

I have been worried about many carrer, but now I have chosen to become a programmer than doctors, lawyers, pilots and domestic conglomerates. I am sure to be agreat programmer and an expert in machine learning, deep learning, and pattern recognition. And I will surely start my own company. In order to do that, I need to be careful about the demands of the world. To do so, I will post daily articles on mathematics and programming.