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Face recognition technology basic contents summary

by OKOK 2017. 4. 12.

I looked for biometric security technology for about an hour. It is easy to organize. I used Google in an hour t o find good data. The technology I want to preoccupy is face recognition. It is necessary to understand what technology is being used by companies listed in some of the following references. That's because I know the latest techonolgy and quickly catch up and I feel the need to hit the challenge directly. 

The advantage of facial recognition is that it is convenient for noncontacting, and its drawbacks are that it is sensitive to lighting, angle, and difficulty to distiguish according to face change. As an excellent developer, I need to focus on improving the low recognition rate by changing lighting and angle. 

There are two ways to recognize faces. First, the thermal distribution of the face is digitized by using an infrared sensor. The other is to perceive the face as a two-dimensional three-dimensional and analyze about 50 points of the nose, mouth, eyebrow, jaw and face skeleton rathen tahn the entire face.

I am going to look for the technologies that companies currently use for the next hour. Below is a list of references.

Biometrics and industry trends




Jack Ma demonstrates Face Recognition Playment Tech


document (1).pdf

176803_생체 인식 기술 및 업계 동향.pdf

39호 기술시장정보제공(생체인식 기술 및 시장 동향).pdf